Wednesday, November 25, 2009

raj u don't have the guts

raj raj raj!!!!!!!! we all hate you!!!! so why the hell do u mess around??? coz no one has the guts to stop you??? huh?? remember when the shiv sena was stopped by the south indians??? did they have the guts to counter them??one day we will rise u won't have the balls to mess around.i ll give you a dare go to bihar with your gang .and just go to patna and come back.not only will they have your bottom impaled but will also burn you dead. AND i dare u to do the same to laloo prasad if he comes to maharashtra!! you are dividing the country and unfortunately the congress has no guts to stop you.they are probably financing you for doing all the dirty work they cant do publicly.well, then listen carefully just because indians have lain dormant for thousands of years doesn't mean they will stay anymore!!!!may you take this as an early warning since we have lost faith in the congress or the aftermath will not be so the way amit thackeray's a pansy(hijda)